Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweet Words

Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

My husband and I have a friend who is a beekeeper;  and I have to tell you, the honey his bees make is the best I think I've ever had. The store bought kind in the plastic bears pale in comparison.  The natural, raw honey is different to the taste; with just the right about of sweetness- thick, richer in color. It just oozes when poured out of that mason jar. 

When I think about the instruction God gives in Proverbs 16:24 regarding my words, and how God compares pleasant words to a honeycomb; I had to ask myself...  Are my words sweet and oozing out of my mouth like honey... or do I have to struggle to squeeze them out drop by drop?

I feel there are times I speak kind words to enrich someone else out of a natural concern and love- then there are the times I'm just processing  rote gestures of kindness for my own ulterior motives.  It's a matter of the real stuff vs the watered down. 

God's word says in John 1:1  and Revelation 19:11-13 that Jesus is the word
 John 1:1
 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
(and in)
Revelation 11-13
11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14

Jesus is the rider on the white horse, the true word-  A  living word that transcends time,eternally imbued with power to redeem the soul,and bring healing (resurrection)
to our bones.

I know God gifted me with the Holy Spirit when I became a believer;  my teacher who will supernaturally transform my mind to the mind of Christ - if - I choose to allow the Holy Spirit to teach me. 

So today I pray: 
"Holy Spirit, teach me how to choose pleasant words that will
bring sweetness and healing to the listener.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stand II

Continuing on my July 4th theme of standing- I ran across a beautiful video and song on YouTube that was put together by a student in memory of a class mate who passed away from a malignant brain tumor. It touched me so much I wanted to share it with you.

It reminded me of how important it is to take the time, which is so fleeting, to appreciate the significance of loving and standing by our friends, families, and neighbors in their time of need. Jesus stood in the gap for all mankind, so that we can be in right standing again with God, and enjoy eternity with him. 

Our little momentary sufferings and sacrifices will never come close to what Christ gave for us. He gave EVERYTHING. Sadly, many will walk away from this free gift, by refusing to just believe and accept.  Yes, how very sad for those who say no to Christ. They will never know how much they missed. EVERYTHING.

This video reminds me too of how life on this earth is so short. The Bible says in James 4:14- "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

So true, evidence by the passing of a young person before their time.... or was it?

Monday, July 4, 2011


Today is July 4th and all over this great country we are celebrating with road races, parades, watermelon eating contests, family cookouts, and then closing the day with spectacular fireworks displays.

I wonder how many Americans celebrating really think about the meaning of this day and the significance of living free as an American. I know I am guilty of what I am speaking to, and it bothers me.

Yesterday at church I noticed how few people placed their hand over their heart as the flag was brought out and the soldiers marched by, as our national anthem played.

Now don't get me wrong, this is a church of wonderful, giving people. It just seemed sad to know that they either were ignorant to this tradition of honor given to our flag, or we have lost something that once was so special and sacred.

My husband, a veteran, immediately placed his hand over his heart, and I know within that auditorium there were many soldiers, veterans, and citizens doing the same.

So today I write to remind us of this honor given to our flag, our symbol of this great country and the freedom it represents and the many sacrifices our countrymen gave to keep her flying.

Remember the veteran of war, and how that nonchalant attitude would make them feel- or the parent, spouse, or child who grieves when they look at the empty chair at their dinner table today. Show compassion. Think, what if that were your loved one?

I know this country is not perfect. Neither are we. Only God. Sadly, in my opinion, as God is being erased from our government foundations, so creeps in our insidious complacency.

Love of country, love of God becomes a slogan that will continue to fade from the hearts and minds of Americans, if we let this continue.

Teach your children today the story of why we celebrate the birthday of our country. Tell them of the great sacrifice wrought by brave men and women that stood up for something-- for love of country and love of God.

It has been said that to fail to stand for something is to fall for anything. Stand proud today, with deliberate purpose, hand on heart and show others that you care.