Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Harvest

Today God is reminding me of the principle of sowing and reaping. I know that when He calls me to look deeper there is something I need to be encouraged in. I can see the fields are white and the terms of "reaping and sowing" can mean many things.

The natural order is the farmer planting in spring for the fall harvest. He will prepare the soil in winter to be ready at just the right time in spring to drop those tiny seeds in the ground. Behind every physical there is a spiritual. Jesus knew this of course, for he was there at creation when God breathed life into everything.

When the farmer plants he has control (choices) over the type of crop he wishes to harvest, yet after planting he looses some control over the growth and direction of that seed and maturing plant. He must wait and watch the planting grow from the natural elements. His care for the crop will have an impact on the quality of the harvest. He can supplement water and weed and treat for pests that would weaken or destroy. But he cannot bring the sun or stop the wind and rain. He has to leave that to God.

I see in my natural and spirtual life that my choices are mine to make and the outcome of those choices will be my harvest. I see that I can set things into motion and then I too have to let go and see the consequence of that action. Will they be good or bad? The answer lies in part with what I did in the winter. Like the farmer, did I prepare the soil by diligently working in my field. Did I choose good seed and determine the correct time for planting?

God put the seasons in place for everything under the sun to have a time of maturing. It is very important that I learn from each season and that I know and follow this order. Did I follow the natural and good order for my harvest?

I also see that if I fail to plant and instead harbor the seed I will fail to see any fruit. My self centered action will not bring a harvest of any kind. I will be empty handed while other's will be bringing their yield to the market. How would I then survive the next winter?

I see the deeper meaning now revealed in this principel of sowing and reaping. The partnering with Father God, the giver of all good gifts. The guidance of the Holy Spirit for strength and knowledge to carry out this daily sowing. The time of trusting and waiting for all good things that come to those who wait for the promise of the harvest.