Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seeking God

The Secret Place

In every one's heart there lies a secret place, a God center.

This is where God reveals to the seeker the innermost longings of their hearts.

I am finding this truth, more and more, as we continue to work together in my daily transformation.

I have a choice to walk inside this room and to live in the power of the secret.

My faith is the key, inside I must seek and I must look deep, for the ways of God are not my ways.

When I was a young child growing up, we lived in a 100 year old farm house with such character, both on the inside and out.

I loved the outside rooms created by years of planting and pruning. There were some areas of the yard that were tucked away from the house, like secret rooms.

I would often slip away inside these hidden spaces to sit, read, or write secret coded messages to my younger sister.

She would also write a message to me in her hiding place and then in a flurry we would exchange messages with the decoder.

This game took time to write and then decipher the "post". But that was the fun of this activity-
...the unraveling, the revelation of something hidden.

Now inside my secret place with God, I see that I must take the time to look for the hidden deep revelations in the greatest post ever written.

..The Bible.


  1. love this! I hope you dont mind Im gonna pick something out of here and do a blog on mine too!I'll link it to your blog if its okay!

  2. This is so inspiring! I love it! I happened across your posting on Shelfari and saw the link to your site. Great job!
