Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Good Samaritan


I was reading a post from a lady whose blog I like to follow. We live in different countries, have never spoken or even exchanged emails, but I feel a connection when I read her writings.

Today I read her post entitled "Who is Your Neighbor?" The post was about a message she heard at church last Sunday about the story of "The Good Samaritan".

The pastor spoke about how we can get so busy with our own lives that we don't even see when someone needs our help... or we see and just don't feel we have the time to help.

Sometimes we feel as though we don't have anything to offer... or we become apathetic and just look the other way out of selfish pride or indifference.

The pastor concluded that we all have something to give, a smile, a word of encouragement, a hug, or a prayer... He asked "Who is your neighbor?"

I am encouraged to seek out the answer in my day to day experiences. There are neighbors everywhere.

My blogger friend reminded me that as always with God, whatever we give in love comes back to us all the greater. I know this firsthand as my comment on her blog illustrates:

..."I rode the train home from the airport last weekend. Slipping into our seats I mentioned to my husband that the man in the seat across from us looked like he was riding just to stay out of the cold. You know, one of those homeless types, I labeled in my mind.

We rode for 45 minutes, past homes and stores and churches. He sat quietly staring ahead. I found myself thinking how fortunate I am to have a home and family. I wondered what he was thinking... how a ride on a train to nowhere felt... where would he sleep tonight?

As I watched this man, my heart was moved to compassion instead of judgement. Before exiting at our stop, we slipped a few dollars in his hand and asked him his name. He smiled a beautiful smile and gratefully replied "Daniel".

Daniel, I thought as the train pulled away. A good Christian name, given to a favorite son so many years ago... a blessed man who overcame many obstacles.

God bless Daniel tonight.
May he not be a nameless face.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Baby,
    That whole day was surreal, but somehow uniquely and insightfully blessed. Thank you for keeping me in the moment, in the realm of opportunity to reach out around us. The warmth of the smile on that poor man's face was richer than we knew. We did something indescribable for Daniel that Sunday afternoon... we gave him hope. He gave us a memory... a reattachment to possibilities.
    I love you... your husband, BR
