Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother's Day Poem

To Mom who resides in heaven divine
I'm waiting patiently for that moment in time-

Hugs and kisses, smiles and tears;
the touch I remember year after year.
I wait for a mother's love; that only you can give.

Until that day I visit your grave,
tend to the flowers and call out your name.
I pray and listen and remember..
My daughter beside me, the blue sky above,
reminds me of the expanse of God's true love

I go there not to grieve for those days are past,
instead I find peace and joy; my spirit rejoices-
for I know you are in the arms of your Savior ,
eagerly awaiting too-

That day in time only God knows for sure.
The day revealed, when the Savior calls-
The day all heaven and earth rejoice.

Then in a moment's time you will see,
 your greatest work on earth come home.

The day we see God's greatest work on earth come home-
Your family, your loved ones, the children of God.


1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorites that you've written... Don't ever stop. I know many others are reading too and are touched.
