Friday, May 11, 2012

The Promised Land

My husband and I have prayed and fasted many times over the years. Several powerful scriptures we pray and use for meditation to keep God's promises close to our hearts are 1 Chronicles 1: 4-10, the prayer of Jabez and Jeremiah 29:11, the letter to the exiles in Babylon from God.

We first studied these scriptures to know them and to make sure that we did not just randomly pray these verses, or take them out of the context they were meant for and use them for our own terms and definition.  

This is a common mistake among Christians, but not advisable. God's word is anything but common for his very power lives within this written word. It is truth, it is specific and direct. 

To know God takes time, time to study and digest the meat of his words, and what the passage is conveying to man. Then in God's time, after a marriage of his word, and our faith he answers, and fulfills his promises.

Last year we had to make some important decisions for Bruce's career path, after the real estate industry collapse, and a business venture failed to provide the fruit of his labor. We felt confused, lost and somewhat downtrodden at times- but we still remained constant in our belief that God had a plan for our lives.

I made a decision to claim (out loud) the powerful scripture Jeremiah 29:11 every time I heard the clock chime the hour from the college tower. I could hear the chime from our home in town- so hundreds of times I would stop and proclaim this verse - whether I was taking a walk, out watering the plants, sitting on the porch, admiring the moon from my back yard,  lying in bed in the still of the night, or upon awakening in the morning. 

I think my dogs even know the verse by now for my routine was when the first chime began I would stop and say " Listen, listen. For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you, but to give you a hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)

I see now that this was building our hope and trust in God's sovereign authority. Our part was to stand on that promise. God's promises will come true for those who remain faithful, constant and persevere. God was building our faith and Christian character, something more valuable than the material gain that would come later. For now there was still some things we needed to let go of- some were emotional, and some physical.

Even though it was tough at times to lean day by day on the promise instead of the provision, we were standing firm and continued on in our prayers and fasting. God was there too, we could see the signs, and we knew he loved and cared for us, and that his vision was far greater and wiser than ours. And it was...

It was during our second fast of the first quarter of the year God's answer came. I know God honored this sacrifice as the time to bring forth the promise. We had just completed a 21 day fast the month before, and then joined another church for a Easter fast.

Now fasting is not easy, at least not for me.The first one I did years ago was actually the easiest because I did not know the pangs of hunger that would come and stay with me; so each fast to me seemed harder. Bruce did quite a bit of water fasting, seeking God deep in his heart; he was so humble, never complaining. We both spent time in prayer together and separate. And God spoke..

Just before the fast ended a wonderful career opportunity was offered to Bruce. A position with a company Bruce regretted leaving years ago. An offer quite unexpected- just days before our fast was to end, and the day after we decided to look outside our present boundaries. 

The position required a move almost a 1000 miles from home.  So when you pray the prayer of Jabez and say yes to expanding your territory- watch out- you better be serious.

The decision was easy, for we knew the company, Bruce's supervisor, the timing, and the territory.  All was divinely selected. But still, just as the Israelite's had to use courage to cross over into the promised land, the same command of "Be strong and courageous" was needed for this move. 

Many difficult changes, details, and decisions had to be made- not to mention  a year of commuting for Bruce was still to come. But it was worth it all, and necessary for Bruce to have time to work and me to be there when my father passed away.

Now as I sit here writing this from a lake house in the New Hampshire mountains, with my husband, 2 dog's and cat by my side, I feel incredibly blessed, and so grateful for the promises have come true. I knew I was always blessed, it's just expanded and grown into a new expanded  promised land.

"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted his request."

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